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Job opportunities

Scientist, risk assessment and nutrition, Rome, Italy


11 positions, Environmental ChemOinformatic (ECO)


Four post doc positions NCCT, US-EPA, US


Post doc position and Laboratory technician in developmental toxicity and zebrafish research, UH,US


Junior/Senior group leader positions, ENSL, France

Post doc on thyroid hormones and PPAR in Xenopus model systems, France

Post doc genomic toxicology, INRA, France


CASCADE Newsletter 9


Welcome to CASCADE!

CASCADE Network of Excellence started 2004 as an EU-funded research project studying chemical contaminants in food. After six successful years, CASCADE NoE is now becoming CASCADE ACERT.


CASCADE ACERT will continue to offer training, risk assessment and collaborative partnership as the leading European network within endocrine research. Read more…


CASCADE study sheds light on suspected endocrine disruptive effects of cadmium

A newly published study

from CASCADE’sBread project suggests that cadmium has estrogenic effects which might not bevisible in ordinary test systems.


The next step is to study the whole food item- bread

samples containing cadmium.